Darling in the Franxx could be a mecha anime series where adults and kids are separated in a post-apocalyptic future. Creatures called Klaxosaurs have started from the Earth to wreak havoc, and in response, APE, the sinister organization leading what’s left of humanity, created mobile cities known as Plantations.

These plantations are safeguarded by giant mechs known as Franxx, piloted in pairs by kids.

Darling in the Franxx Season 2 Release Date:

The Darling in The Franxx Season 2 Release date has yet to be announced, as it still requires an official renewal and the announcement of season 2. It could be possible Darling in the Franxx Season 2 could be developed and has yet to be released, but provided the amount of period it takes to produce an entire season of anime, Darling In The Franxx Season 2 Release date would not come till at least summer or fall of 2022 at the very advance.

Darling in the Franxx Season 2 Story Details:

Provided the first season lasted, a potential Darling in The Franxx Season 2 would possibly have to start new. The anime TV Show’s finale concluded with Hiro and Zero Two sacrificing themselves to shatter the alien give mind VIRM’s homeworld and the Klaxosaurs retiring back into the Earth. The survivors assist in recreating the planet, but the VIRM promises to go back someday to make another mess, which is where the viewers saw the biggest hint to a Darling in the Franxx Season 2 announcement. Hiro and Zero two are rebuilt a thousand years in the future, and they meet each other again, thus hinting a probably Darling In the Franxx Season 2 timeline centered around their new lives.

If a Darling In The Franxx Season 2 announcement does take place, it would either be a prequel following distinct characters or pick up with the reincarnations of Zero Two and Hiro as they face a new danger or the re-emergence of the Klaxosaurs. Since the finale was not up to the mark to a few fans, there could be a chance Darling In The Franxx Season 2 would not happen, but the success of the series creates a follow-up entirely possible.

Darling in the Franxx Season 2: plot

According to the source material, Darling In The Franxx could be a fantastic anime because it is an authentic story—a manga series was telecasted after the TV series.

If the series were reincarnated for season 2, the most logical plot would be to follow the aftermath of Zero Two and Hiro’s fight with VIRM—which promised to one day come back and end what they started.

Although there could be a possibility that a season 2 could focus on a spin-off storyline, prequel timeline, or even a fresh beginning with a brand new team of heroes and villains in Darling In The Franxx Season 2.

Darling in the Franxx: cast

Viewers of the series may not have to wait for long as it could be expected that there would be a Darling In The Franxx season 2 in the coming time. Moreover, we can expect a few new characters and members from this upcoming series who will hopefully impress us as they did in the first season. For now, here could be the list of some characters whose chances are high at coming back next season with their roles intact.

Darling in the Franxx: awards and the fantastic soundtrack:

Darling In The Franxx was first telecasted in Japan, and since then, it has got various accolades. The series received Favourite Action or Adventure and Favourite Mecha or Sci-fi at the 2018 Anime Winter Awards. It received the Best Girl with Zero Two coming in the first place. In addition to, it also received Favourite Supporting Female and Male Characters with Ichigo and Goro.

The relationship between Zero Two and Hiro has also kept them in the top ten, with Kokoro and Mitsuru coming in fourth.

The series soundtrack was created by Asami Tachibana and published by Aniplex. On March 27, 2019, all three soundtracks were made accessible digitally on several online music stores.

The opening song, the kiss of death, got appreciation, and the closing songs, sung by female cast members, were given favourable preference. But, unlike other animes, it has a unique component that builds it to stick to our minds.

Darling in the Franxx: Ratings

Darling In The Franxx anime has excellent feedback for its quality content and imagination. It was offered 7.4 out of 10 on IMDb, 7.3 out of 10 on MyAnimeList, and 4.4 stars out of 5 by Crunchyroll. The level response from viewers motivated the series makers to build more episodes. So now they are asking us if we need another installment or not.

Is There A Trailer Available?

There is no trailer accessible because the series is not renewed yet. However, if we get any updates about this series, we will surely inform you.

Are There Any Spoilers Available For ‘Darling In The Franxx’ Season 2?

No, no spoiler for the series is not accessible since the series has not been renewed yet. But don’t lose any hopes yet because there could still be a chance that the series will be renewed sometime down the line. There have been instances of animes being revived after a decade’s wait.

Is The Show Dubbed In English?

Yes, the English dubbed episodes of the series can be found on Funimation.

Darling in the Franxx Season 2 release date on Netflix:

According to the sources, Darling In The Franxx Season 2 has not been signed up for reincarnation. The network and production have not yet provided the green signal for a sequel to its super hit season 1. It is still not yet confirmed why the network and output decided to close a great anime with only one season.

Darling In The Franxx Season 2: Fan Speculations

After almost two years since the series started, some fans speculations have had viewers confused for a while. It all begins when some tik-tokers create tik-toks teasing that Darling In The Franxx Season 2 was set to reincarnate in February 2021.

This created the viewers to go wild and browse endlessly. The sudden surge in rumors for the series built it impossible for the viewers to differentiate between imagination and reality.

We understand how evil it is to tease a fellow weeb with rumored information that can break or create an individual’s heart. However, we have confirmed with our resources that no official announcement or claim has been made with the renewal to the new season.


While we certainly wish for Darling In The Franxx Season 2, the future does not look too good. A renewal of the series seems a little unfavorable shortly, owing to the way season one lasted in addition to the logistical restrictions the pandemic has laid down. Still, we wish that the creators consider coming back for a season 2. Despite the criticism the series got, it still is a fabulous series. And one that we wish to watch coming back to screen.

For those of you who have not had the chance to see the anime’s season one, you can see it on Netflix. It is a good watch and certainly one we would advise.