Golf Camp in Burlington: What Parents Should Look For

Golf is an amazing game that teaches life lessons, much more than many other sports. For kids who enjoy playing golf or have shown an interest in learning, golf camps are a great idea.

Most junior golf camps are suitable for kids aged 9 to 17 at any skill level. They divide the children into groups according to their playing ability to ensure they can work on the skills required for their level of play.

So, are you looking for a high-quality golf camp in Burlington for your child? Then this guide should be helpful.

Below, we have outlined the factors you should look for.

What to Look for in a Junior Golf Camp

There are many types of junior golf camps available, from one-day ones to overnight camps to instructional camps to exposure or development camps, where younger golfers can see colleges and learn about college golf programs. All help kids who enjoy golfing (or want to learn) explore the game. But there are some key concepts every parent should consider prior to registering their child in a Burlington golf camp.

Level of Play

When looking for a golf camp for your child, the first thing you need to look for is the way the classes are divided. You don’t want a newcomer to be lumped in with experienced players, or vice versa.

Different golf camps focus on different levels of experience in their campers, from beginner camps to advanced developmental camps. So, look for one that will satisfy your child’s requirements.


The second factor is who is teaching. Instructors form the core of the junior golf camp experience. For beginners, the instructors will most likely be assistant professionals or college golfers. Those camps are more relaxed and fun, with a variety of games and activities that teach newcomers the basics. This way, you will find out if your child shows an ongoing interest in the game.

Instructors from golf academies, PGA professionals, or specialty coaches are often available at advanced camps. Choose the instructor who will help achieve your child’s goals. A junior golfer who has been playing for a while might think about attending an exposure camp. Young campers may have a fantastic opportunity to learn more about advanced golf by attending junior golf exposure camps.

Since learning golf requires a lot of attention from teachers, look at the ratio of students to instructors. When there are too many students, it is difficult for the instructor to give each child the time and attention they require. A good ratio is ten students to an instructor.

Camp Costs

Prices will vary depending on the location and length of the camp. The cheapest ones are typically run by newcomers who may not be certified professionals. The better and more experienced the instructor, the higher the cost of the camp.

However, if you want your children to do well in their lessons, you should put them in a good golf camp hosted by professional trainers. The best thing to do is to call a couple of golf camps in Burlington, Ontario, and compare their costs to determine what is best for you.

These are three of the main factors you need to consider when determining the best golf camp for your child. Are you unsure about sending your child to a golf camp but want to inspire a love for golf? Sign them up for local junior golf lessons. Hope you enjoyed this parents’ guide to kids’ golf camps. For further golf lesson-related information, contact a golf training centre near you.