It is obvious that the demand for professionals specialized in this discipline is growing every day. This, together with the shortage of qualified personnel in the field, means that people who develop their careers in the field of data analytics enjoy full employment —and quality— with working conditions that are difficult to achieve in other disciplines. If you want to know how much a Big Data expert earns , at UNIR we review the different profiles and salaries in the sector.

Currently, it is one of the professional profiles most in demand by companies around the world in the Information and Communications Technology sector, along with that of an expert in cybersecurity , artificial intelligence/ machine learning and cloud computing . In general, the primary objective of people specialized in Big Data is to be able to analyze data, transform it into information and/or knowledge in order to guide organizations, both public and private, in decision-making.

There are several professional profiles in the field of Big Data with subtle differences —which will be detailed below—, but which will determine the salaries or fees that companies pay for these professionals. The data provided is based on the 2019 Labor Market Guide by the consulting firm Hays.

Data analyst: from €30,000 to €60,000

Data analysts are responsible for processing data by performing statistical analyzes that allow them to discover how they can be used to make decisions and solve problems of various kinds. They are responsible for obtaining, processing and synthesizing the data to obtain information of value for the organization.

In the Spanish labor market, the average salary for data analysts ranges from 30,000 euros gross per year for junior professionals with up to 2 years of experience in similar positions, up to 60,000 euros for those with work experience around 10 years.

Requirements and training

  • University degree in Mathematics, Statistics or Engineering.
  • Knowledge of SQL and Python programming languages .
  • Experience with statistical programs such as R and SAS.
  • Great math skills.
  • Facility for data analytics (data extraction, cleaning, analysis, modeling and interpretation).

Data Scientist: €26,000 to €65,000

Data scientists are professionals who look at and analyze data in more detail than data analysts. Their functions are at a higher level than those of analysts and they develop analytical models based on complex mathematical techniques and machine learning algorithms that allow organizations to define and establish business strategies.

The average salary of data analysts ranges from 26,000 euros gross per year, for junior professionals with up to 2 years of experience in similar positions, up to 65,000 euros for those with around 5 years of work experience . Always taking into account the Spanish labor market.

Requirements and training

  • University degree in Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Statistics, Computer Engineering or Telecommunications.
  • Knowledge of statistics, programming and data analytics systems and techniques for Big Data ( machine learning , deep learning , Python, SQL, R, SAS…).
  • Great communication skills, logic and intuition.
  • Facility for data analytics (data extraction, cleaning, analysis, modeling and interpretation).

Data architect: from €50,000 to €90,000

The main function of data architects is to design, implement, manage and operate Big Data data management and analytics platforms or technology solutions , in addition to ensuring their security and that of the data they store and/or process.

In the Spanish labor market, the average salary for data analysts ranges from 50,000 euros gross per year for professionals with up to 2 years of experience in similar positions, up to 90,000 euros for those with around 5 years of work experience. years.

Requirements and training

  • ICT training.
  • Knowledge of Big Data technologies ( Hadoop , Spark , Cassandra, MongoDB…).
  • Programming knowledge in Python, Java, SQL, Streaming Data…
  • Knowledge of databases such as Oracle, Postgres…

Data Director or Chief Data Officer : from €60,000 to €100,000

The Chief Data Officer or CDO are responsible for an organization’s data, both from the point of view of the ICT field and from the business point of view. In addition, they are responsible for ensuring their confidentiality, integrity and availability. It is a strategic position in companies around the world .

The data manager decides what data needs to be managed (obtained, stored…), for what purposes or for what purposes and through what technologies. They are responsible for defining and ensuring the life cycle of the data, from its collection to its elimination through its processing or treatment to transform it into information that helps the organization’s business strategy.

The average salary of data directors or Chief Data Officers in the Spanish labor market ranges from 60,000 euros gross per year for professionals with up to 2 years of experience in similar positions, up to 100,000 euros for those with work experience in around 5 years old .

Requirements and training

  • University degree in Computer Science, Telecommunications or Mathematics.
  • Master in Big Data and/or MBA .
  • Project management skills.
  • Soft skills such as teamwork, customer orientation, analysis…
  • Extensive knowledge of the ICT technology sector and its trends.

Undoubtedly, Big Data is one of the sectors with the highest growth and professional demand today and it is expected to continue like this for the next few years.